She has a name.

DSC00937For the final post of the 5 day challenge, I have decided to reveal the name of my road bike. On this blog I have referred to her as my Trek or my road bike, but in real life she has an actual name. It wasn’t that I intentionally kept her name a secret, she has just grown into her name so gradually that I never bothered to mention it. But since Gary nominated me for this challenge, and all of his bikes are lovingly named, I have decided it is time to tell you the name of my faithful summer companion.

Her name is Winter.

Pretty dumb name for a road bike that will not be biking in snow, right? That is what I thought the moment her name flashed through my mind as my dad and I were driving her home for the first time in May. I figured I would come up with another, more suitable name later, so I shelved the idea of calling a summer bike, “Winter”.

But as I spent the spring and summer with her, riding around the countryside of Northern New York, I realized that there was no better name I could give my bike.

Really, the only reason I even decided to buy a road bike is because of winter. Last winter solidified my love of biking and I came into spring with the urgent desire to bike more miles and also faster miles, than I ever had before. It didn’t take me long to understand that I needed to buy my first road bike.

Also, her name is a reminder to me that I can do anything I set my mind to. When I have been out riding this summer and I face some kind of hardship; maybe a headwind or a giant hill or low energy or seemingly endless miles-her name reminds me that I can make it-just like I made it though winter.

Her name reminds in particular of my first subzero commute, a ride so hard and painful that I arrived at work 25 minutes late. I remember the exhilaration of finally bursting into the restaurant, with a smile on my face because I finally knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I could bike through winter. I use that commute as an example to myself of how worthwhile it is to push through obstacles, because that is how I get stronger, mentally and physically.

Everything I have done on this bike is the outgrowth of my winter biking experience.

Plus, it doesn’t hurt that her color scheme is white and silver.

Yes, her name is Winter.DSC00346

25 thoughts on “She has a name.

  1. Welcome Winter. May your tires never flatten. May your gears be always lubed and may your strength and balance carry you far. “The bicycle is the most civilized conveyance known to man. Other forms of transport grow daily more nightmarish. Only the bicycle remains pure in heart.” ~Iris Murdoch


  2. As usual, you came up with the perfect name for the 2 of you. I’ve never named any machine I’ve ever owned. My bike is male, but that’s the closest it’s come. My first car was a her, but again, no name.


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