Saturday Commute

011While biking up a hill to work this morning my back wheel started to give me problems. When I was almost to the crest of the hill it refused to turn at all and I ground to a halt. So I dismounted, took off my goggles, helmet and gloves to see what the issue was. I unhooked the rear brake and found an ice-covered pebble jammed in one of the brake pads. That would do it. After removing the ice chunk and putting my brake back on I was able to arrive uneventfully to work.

At work I was introduced on two separate occasions as “the girl who bikes in winter”. Hey, I will take it. It will be interesting to see if this phrase sticks to me even in the summer.

I didn’t attach my pannier properly on the way home, so mid-ride it started falling off and I stopped to fix it. In a field nearby some miniature horses and donkeys were standing by their barn, getting as much shelter as they could from the storm. One of the donkeys was braying loudly, demanding that someone rescue them from the snow.

When they noticed the curious creature stopped by the side of the road they all lined up to gawk at me. It was quite cute.004


To work (10 miles)
3:30 am to 4:55 am

-3F, 14 mph Southeast wind

I wore
Head: ski goggles, balaclava, head band
Torso: thermal shirt, soft shell jacket, rain jacket
Hands: winter gloves
Legs: two pairs of yoga pants, thermal pants, rain pants
Feet: socks, boots
Comments: Nice.

From work (10 miles)
3:10 pm to 4:40 pm

18F, 8 mph Southeast wind, snow

I wore
Head: ski goggles, balaclava
Torso: thermal shirt, rain jacket
Hands: winter gloves
Legs: yoga pants, thermal pants, rain pants
Feet: socks, boots
Comments: We had such a heat wave this afternoon, I probably would have stayed warm in a t-shirt and shorts. Probably.

16 thoughts on “Saturday Commute

  1. Who cares what they call you. You are setting an excellent example. Deep down they are jealous.

    A long time ago (probably when I was your age) I cycled throughout a winter in Toronto. It was horrible. I didn’t have the right bike or clothing. The experience made me move to the west coast where the weather is conducive to year round, albeit wet, cycling. Who knows, had I had your smarts back then, I may have still been living there.

    The summer will be a piece of cake for you. And, probably fast.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It actually makes me smile when people call me the “winter biking girl”. The only thing I don’t like about it, is that it makes winter biking seem like “my thing” when I would really like other people to come and join me out in the snow…
      Maybe in a few years when they get used to seeing me out there!


  2. That’s the attitude. If you keep at it, and it seems like you are going to, others will see the benefit and will want to join you.

    Your efforts to remain car-less are admirable. I have a car but seldom use it. I commute by bike to the office and walk most other times. Yesterday, however, I had to drive to our north shore for a meeting. It was the 1st time I have driven in traffic for a very long time. I hated it. Everyone, myself included, was aggressive. I hated it. I couldn’t wait to get home and on my bike.

    I look forward to your warmer weather posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi, I live in the Albany area. I also am car free and ride my bike. Its great to hear of someone else who rides through the winter. I hope to have a fatbike someday to ride off road in the snow, away from the cars. I’ve done alright with 2.125 up to 6 inches of snow but any deeper than that, I just get bogged down in the snow and am unable to ride. That forces me to ride on the plowed road most of the time. Enjoy your time this winter. You’re making great memories!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi TJ! So great to hear from someone in Upstate NY. Yeah, I also plan on getting a fatbike a few years down the road. I don’t mind biking on the plowed road but when visibility is low the shoulder feels way safer. Good luck to you in your snowy travels!


  4. I didn’t know you were a girl. Not that it makes a difference, but….umm…where were you 40 years ago? Inspiring post. Inspires me to finish my cross country ride I started last year,but had to cut short due a death in the family.


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